Please consider becoming a member of Mahamudra Centre, thereby helping people to develop their full potential through the Buddhist practices of the FPMT.
As a member of Mahamudra Centre, you will be contributing towards:
The development of a place of great beauty – Buddha statues, lotus lake, tree-lined walks – a tranquil place for spiritual practice and contemplation and self healing.
Bringing teachers to the centre for teachings and initiations.
Making the dharma available to all through retreats and courses.
A meditation programme.
The development of a comprehensive library and other facilities to aid study and practice.
The pujas of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and monthly Tara and Medicine Buddha pujas.
Mahamudra Friend
$20 per month
10% shop discount
Regular updates on retreats and events held at the centre.
Vajra Friend
$50 per month
10% shop discount
A complimentary two day stay in a self-contained cabin (outside of group retreats)
Regular updates on retreats and events held at the centre.
Dharma Benefactor
$100 per month
20% shop discount
A complimentary one week stay in a self-contained cabin (outside of group retreats)
3 free course days per year
Regular updates on retreats and events held at the centre.
Dharma Patron
$200 per month
20% shop discount
A complimentary two week stay in a self-contained cabin (outside of group retreats)
5 free course days per year
Regular updates on retreats and events held at the centre.