​It is with delight that we announce the first Dharma retreat of the year at Mahamudra, from the 18th – 20th of October, with teachings kindly offered by Geshe Thupten Wangchen from Dorje Chang Institute in Auckland.
To celebrate this special weekend, we are offering this event at a remarkable price.
The weekend retreat will begin on Friday evening with a light supper, followed by a Guru Puja inside our beautiful Gompa. On Saturday Geshe-la will offer teachings and discussions on Lama Tsongkhapa’s The Foundation of All Good Qualities.
Finally on Sunday we will complete the weekend with a Yamantaka Fire Puja.

About the Teacher, Geshe Thupten Wangchen

Geshe Thupten Wangchen took full ordination with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1988. After 23 years of dedicated study, he was conferred the Lharampa degree in 1998. Following his studies Geshe-la taught Tibetan and Western students at Kopan monastery in Nepal and also taught as a tenured lecturer of Buddhist philosophy at Varanasi University in India. At the request of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Wangchen kindly agreed to become the Resident Teacher at Dorje Chang Institute. Geshe-la came to New Zealand in June of 2003. Over the last 21 years, Geshe-la has taught many people in all aspects of Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology.
Your investment for this retreat.
This fee is all inclusive of food, accommodation and all retreat activities.
View our Cancellation Policy
We are fully booked but might be able
to find room for you if you email us
at retreat@mahamudra.org.nz