Donate Online
Via PAYPAL using
This is the best way for international transfers
Donations can be made online on our Give A Little Page. Please note the Give A Little website now charges a 5% processing fee, so please consider adding that fee to your payment so it isn’t deducted from your donation to the Centre.
Bank Transfer Details
Account name: Mahamudra Centre for Universal Unity
Account number: 02-0304-0025397-00
Bank details: Bank of New Zealand, Coromandel Branch
Bank Address: Corner of Wharf & Tiki Road, Coromandel 2851
Swift Code: BKNZ NZ22
Please consider offering support to one or more of our projects and funds below. Thank you!
Holy Objects ~ Prayer Wheel House.
Building Repairs ~ New joinery for rooms around the Gompa. This will make the rooms much more comfortable for our guests and Dharma students.
Sponsor a Retreat
Sponsor one retreatant (the full price of the retreat or whatever you can contribute)
Sponsor food (any amount is appreciated)
Give where most needed ~ Your donations will be used to support the work of FPMT International Office and also provides for urgent needs in ongoing commitments and grants from FPMT charitable projects, as well as new projects and unanticipated needs not provided for elsewhere.